New Year Review - Or Taking Stock

I have been inspired by author Allison Tait, to write a 'taking stock' blog post this week. Allison, from the Australian Writers' Centre co-creates podcast: 'So You Want to be a Writer,' with Valerie Khoo. The ladies have become regular dinner companions as I listen to their entertaining and informative podcast.

I do tend to re-invent things. My review is organised into categories representing 8 layers of multi-dimensional human consciousness. Organising the energy of my life into these dimensions is what I'm about. It's how I think, plan and review.

Dimension Zero - Source: The peak of summer makes it easy to feel connected to and in awe of the beauty of our planetary home. I am loving the summer heat, swimming in the Yarra River and growing tomatoes. It is the season for feasting as nature peaks and offers its most colourful fruits. Loving my place on Earth.

Dimension One - Physical: Although my upstairs neighbours sound like they are dropping pianos on the floor overhead, I'm enjoying my home. I've opened up more space in my lounge room for dancing. This and SoundCloud are helping me prepare for classes again. I need to eat more protein. My garden is producing a lot of parsley, so I whipped up some pesto chock-full of almonds. I had to invest in new glasses so I can see this blog!

Dimension Two - Emotional: The Emotional dimension is my challenging area as I am in recovery from PTSD. I believe PTSD is more of an emotional illness than a mental illness. So emotional management has been a priority for some years now. It's part of the reason my first book turned out the way it did. Anyhow, although I have been tested with some troubling noises overhead, which are a massive trigger, I have coped pretty well. I have created structure to my days that can pull me away from dwelling on my feeling state and into action. Suddenly I remembered a phrase I used to use often and somehow forgot these past 8 years: 'Cool, calm and collected.' Yes - this is what I will re-create.

Dimension Three - Mental: I'm excited! Booksellers are agreeing to sell my book and my optimism has been boosted. My brain is buzzing with bookshops, online selling platforms, blog stats and my new Instagram account. There is still a lot to learn about marketing but I have moved through the terror of the early stages of self-publishing and am settling into a new way of being, as an author. I'm moving slow and steady, in this for the long haul. I would like to focus more on getting book two ready for editing.

Dimension Four - Symbiosis:  It was birthday month for me last month. So I indulged in the pleasure of being able to go out dancing with my adult daughter. Although Uber is normal for her, it's an adventure for me! It's a nice stage of life as a parent. I've been having fun helping another indie-publisher with her first murder-mystery book. It's getting easier to remain grounded in my own life while experiencing the joy of connecting with others and sharing their success. My friends with day jobs are on holidays, so it's been great to catch up with them. I have also found the strength to place some distance between myself and some people. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. And it's definitely time to leave some ghosts to fall into the past.

Dimension Five - Expression: I'm still a loud mouth! Working on that. I used to be a mouse, so this is progress. But I do still need to moderate my responses to avoid being an arsehole! I am listening better since finishing my book. It's like I was too full of words before. Now that I have released some, I can hear others' words better. I've learned that I have a 'word limit.' I can only speak, hear and write so many words before my brain starts phasing out.

Dimension Six - Vision: Snapping pics for new Instagram account and enjoying the new platform (AKA procrastigram). I am visualising good stats and my books tucked under the arms of people as they leave bookshops. I am visualising a bathroom that contains a bath. I didn't realise how much a part of my self-care routine it was until it was gone. My PTSD dreams seem to have vanished. I credit 'bed yoga' for this improvement. Instead of waking with images of dream people in my head, I now wake with a short 10 minute set of yoga moves in my head. It took about 6 months, but I was determined that combined with meditation at night before sleep, it would work. I believe in our innate ability to heal ourselves, given enough time, security and the right kind of support.

Dimension Seven - Union: I feel aligned and connected to the Universe when I feel I am creating positive energy and helping others. Creating meaningful work makes me feel that my skills and personality are being put to the best use. Living 'on purpose' is helping me feel that I am situated in the right place at the right time, as well as, I hope, benefitting others. For the first time in my life I am in no rush. I may only be walking the first few steps of the journey, but I am on the path.

In Conclusion: I am finally being what I wanted to be when I grew up. I still have to overcome daily reluctance to work, which I've learned has more to do with a bad habit of self-doubt than laziness. But I'm moving forward, step by step, word by word, bookseller by bookseller. And I believe in my work, a loving model of planetary recovery I have created for myself and for all. Check it out if you are curious about multi-dimensional consciousness and building a loving world.

Be Well X

Leanne Margaret ©️ 2018


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