The Equinox Festivals
There are various ways to experience Easter. For some it's a holiday and time with friends and family. For some it's a deeply meaningful time for spiritual ceremony. But for everyone, this time of year is a seasonal festival. All over the world people are experiencing the change of the seasons. The in-between seasons, either from summer to winter, or from winter to summer (or their equatorial equivalent). My sauce & some random tomatoes Parallel with the traditions people follow, we are all subject to the changing moods of the seasons. Aside from winter sport enthusiasts, many people instinctively withdraw their energy in winter, I know I do. Like a bear in a cave, it's hard to get me out of the house during the colder months. Whether or not we are conscious of it, we are all affected by the relinquishing of autumn and the growth cycle of spring. Inexorably, nature flows through us, connecting us to people and planet. Our own personal energies expand and contra