
Showing posts with the label empowerment

If You Believe in Someone, Tell Them.

This post is dedicated to the women who have helped me to step towards my potential. These women believed in me when I was unable to do it for myself. I try to pay it forward to my students and friends.   As I prepare my return to teaching in 2021, I'm pausing to reflect on how I came to step into the role in the first place. I always knew I would be a writer, but my role as teacher was a surprise to me. So how did it happen? Compared to many dancers I was a late bloomer, attending my first dance class at the age of twenty-five. A year or so later my teacher asked me to teach a class of beginner dancers. I was gobsmacked. Why on earth would she pick me to teach? I'd never taught anyone anything.  Although I didn't believe in myself, I did believe in my teacher. It wasn't the first time she had invited me to step out of my comfort zone. Twice each year she would run fabulously staged dance concerts. As well as dancing, I had been invited to read tarot at these concerts. ...

Evolving In 13 Ways When You're Home Alone In Lockdown

So you're stuck at home in isolation, alone, unable to do life as normal, while we cycle through a collective world groundhog day. The COVID epidemic doesn't look as though it will ease this year, at least. So finding ways to amuse ourselves as days string together into months is super important. Grab a cuppa and get ready to change the world, one dimension at a time.  I believe evolution happens at levels beyond the genetic. As we adapt to outside influences we learn, grow and change, evolving toward managing our challenges more effectively. I have discerned various levels of what I call multidimensional consciousness. You can find out what I mean here . But for today's post I'm focussing on how to adapt to 2020 in particular. It begins with basic coping strategies and then steps you up, level by level, toward world healing and even world-building. Each numbered point represents a dimension of consciousness, each level rising toward greater understanding of and partici...

7 Dos and Don'ts When You're Stressing Out

Well Cabin Fever is setting in. Not because I'm bored or especially isolated like the elderly, but because life can contain 'issues,' and for the past couple of months several of my panic buttons have been simultaneously pressed. Some, such as job loss, relate to the Carona Virus and its effects, but others are family related. On that level - my isolation is real. So, for my benefit as much as yours, I thought it might be helpful to create a list of dos and don'ts to remember when the shit is at risk of hitting the fan. These tips can help to disperse or re-route intense emotional energy into productive, or at least not destructive, directions. 1. Don't  use social media or mobile phones in a panic. Your response might make perfect sense when you feel stressed, but later when your judgement returns you'll be scrambling to clean up your profile and will possibly be suffering from SMS-guilt. Remember - you can't delete a DM or SMS! Do keep a journal o...

Trauma Rescue - What To Do When You're Freaking Out

  A little over a decade ago I experienced several years of persistent loss and trauma. I was forced to pick up my broken pieces and start all over again. Previously I had been an avid reader, practitioner and even teacher within the positive thinking movement, but it was useless when I found myself in fight/flight mode, my heart racing, my thinking panicked and irrational.  Gradually over years of refinement under continuing stressful conditions, I created a set of tools that addressed not only calming the inner creature in trauma, but also transitioned that frightened creature out of terror and into empowerment.  Personally I have gained more of a sense of control over my life and my personal energy. And we know particularly during this pandemic that control is really just an idea we hold onto so we don’t fall down. But we can move ourselves out of trauma and gain more control over our own consciousness.  So here’s a step-by-step list of how I pull myse...

Happy New 99 cent Books - January Only

Happy New Year to Readers, Past and Future The beginning of this new decade represents the end of one of the most testing decades of my life. It was also one of the most creative. I was crushed, but like cold pressed oil, out came my life's work. Apparently I do possess some skill with working under pressure after all! To celebrate the positivity I feel entering the new decade, I would like offer my books, The Love of the Universe (published in 2017), or Multidimensional Meditation (published in 2019), for just $0.99. Multidimensional Meditation You've heard of mindfulness, most of us have these days - but did you know that you can experience mindfulness in multiple dimensions? This book is an easy step-by-step guide to making up your own meditations, as well as achieve more life balance. Find out more while it's only 99 cents The Love of the Universe This book forms part of a collective and urgent cry to humanity. It invites readers to connect with a ...

Protection or Paranoia? - Feeling the Fear and Doing Things Anyway

Spirituality has always been a great comfort to me. There are many things we are subject to, over which we have no control. Like the weather, world affairs and other people. It can be frustrating when the world doesn't always reflect our own personal values. But life must go on. We need to find a way to live in a world that isn't always safe and perfect. Otherwise we would all find ourselves trapped in our homes, too afraid to open the door. Protection rituals have always given me comfort when - in spite of anxiety - I have had to go out into the world. Well-meaning people are quick to point out what can go wrong 'out there.' But few are willing to buy me a treadmill so I can run inside! I was out running when the winter sun broke through a week of grey and rain. But I barely noticed the warmth on my arms, already bare from the heat of running. I was busy fretting over the words of a couple of people who have warned me this week about our safety in the world. I...

What is Multidimensional Consciousness?

Light is perceived by the human eye as white, but we know that it can be split into a rainbow of colours when subjected to conditions like prisms and water droplets. Light then reveals itself as existing at various frequencies, red being the lowest frequency and violet the highest.  Likewise, human consciousness - although usually perceived as unified energy - can also be recognised as multi-layered energy of various frequencies. In Western culture we have been conditioned with the idea of a 'trinity' of forces, combining to create the human being. Modern culture labels the trinity as Mind, Body and Spirit. However, my experience of human consciousness is far more nuanced. Through my studies in meditation, mindfulness and psychic development, I have identified a multidimensional model of human consciousness that expands beyond the traditional trines of the past.  Eight of these layers of consciousness are explored in my first two books, The Love of the Universe and Mu...