
Showing posts with the label spirituality

Memoir, Voice, and Knowing Thyself.

I must pause a moment, from editing my memoir, to reflect on the art of memoir itself. I'm in the fourth year of active focus on my memoir. But of course, fragments of it have existed for many more years than that. I wrote, had professionally edited, and self-published, my first two books in the space of five years; yet the third book has dawdled. At times, I didn't touch it for months. I wonder why it's dragged its feet so much? When I ponder this question, I find myself looking at the self-reflection aspect of memoir. Not just that; it's the articulation of self into an organised line. For that to occur, a clear concept of self must be attained.  My sense of self was fragmented by trauma; which means that in order to finish the memoir, I needed to heal.  Coupled with that, for eight years, my home life was plagued with triggers that stole countless writing days from me. During this time I was also teaching dance, which – although it funded my writing education – was m...

Easy Easter Egg Majick Creativity Ritual

Happy Easter at home everyone. I hope you're enjoying eating everyone's easter eggs. I have been happily munching away on my daughter's mini chocolate bunnies. But I'm saving the bigger egg for a ritual. You might like to join me - it's really easy. You just need a chocolate easter egg, bunny or whatever - as long as it's hollow. Solid won't work for this particular ritual. If you read all the way to the end you'll find what I've called a 'power phrase.'  It's a short sentence for deeper contemplation. Set Your Intent First set your intent for the coming year. This is where you really need to focus on one thing. Of course you can invoke the idea of various goals, but this scatters your energy. If you focus on bringing in a single goal - one at a time - you can focus more energy on each one, as well as maintain previous goals.  Then when you have imagined what it is you want to achieve, try to reduce it to as few words as poss...

Meditation: Heart Light - Dimension Four of Human Consciousness

The Heart Centre Open your heart centre with the fifth video in the Dimensions series of mediations. You are a multidimensional being spanning earthly and spiritual dimensions. This meditation represents the bridge that connects the mindful realms of meditation to the spiritual realms. It's also a beautiful, gentle tool for personal and planetary healing. You can use it on yourself, your pets and other loved ones, and even the planet. The following book excerpt from, Multidimensional Meditation, describes a little of what is meant by Dimension Four. It is often said that love begins with the self. At Dimension Four, our personal energy intermingles with the energies of others, connecting us all. The energy at this level flows inward and outward like our breath.  Energy is balanced at the heart. Meditation at this level connects us to empathy. With empathy it becomes easier to imagine ourselves in another’s place and be more sensitive to their needs. But we can only gi...

Meditation: Feet & Breathe - Dimension Three of Human Consciousness

The Mental Body Today I'm sharing the fourth video in the Dimensions series of meditations. This is one of the most useful meditations you will ever learn. It generates mindfulness, that sense of presence and inhabitation of yourself in space and time. The Feet & Breathe meditation helps you to clear your mind and calm your emotions, allowing you to focus your human energy in more creative and useful ways. The following excerpt from my book, Multidimensional Meditation, explores how Dimension Three of human consciousness represents our mental body and our training. The mental body can be trained to help us handle stress. It is where we remember things, like multiplication tables and relaxation techniques. When we learn or remember something, we are holding a memory or thought form in our mental body. Meditation at Dimension Three begins when we can first surrender ourselves to the moment. By ‘moment’ I mean the current moment – not the next moment. Mindfulness o...

Meditation: Feelings Flow - Dimension Two of Human Consciousness.

The Emotional Body Are you in touch with your feelings? Did you know that attuning to your feelings is the first stage of intuitive development? Being in touch with our feelings is part of good emotional regulation. It's also an important first stage of spiritual development. Whether you wish to learn to chill out more, or soar to spiritual heights, this meditation will help you attune to the information that your feelings can provide. Here's an excerpt from my new book, Multidimensional Meditation , available on Amazon . 'Dimension Two is a dynamic and responsive realm containing our personal emotions and feelings. It is part of our personal space, divided from others by the personality and the ego. Like our physical space, our emotional space needs care, attention and sometimes protection. Meditation at Dimension Two considers how we feel at an emotional level. Since Dimension Two is a pre-thinking, stimulus and response energy, it is highly reactive. Emotio...

Meditation: The Full Body Scan - Dimension One of Human Consciousness

The Physical Body Do you ever feel like you are 'too much in your head?' Do you suffer from 'mystery pains' in your body? Are you so busy that sometimes you forget to eat? Is exercise a chore that you procrastinate? The Full Body Scan meditation is designed to help you get in touch with your body. It might seem like a strange and even unnecessary idea - because how could we forget we have a body? But it's easy to do. The more online we become, the more consciousness is directed into our heads, eyes and ears. These activities stimulate the higher dimensions of expression and impression, giving us more access to information and creativity than ever. But at lower dimensions of consciousness we are still creatures.  All creatures, no matter how sophisticated, require rest, exercise, food, air and sun. By addressing these basic needs, the energy at higher dimensions can be as potent as possible. When the physical body is rested, nourished and exercised, we ...

Meditation: The Egg - Dimension Zero of Human Consciousness

Oceanic Consciousness The egg meditation connects you to the source of life. A dimension where all is connected in an unconscious way, like the connection between mother and unborn child. By using The Egg meditation, you can attune to raw life-affirming energy and unconditional love. It helps you connect to the love of the universe. Here's a short excerpt from my book, Multidimensional Meditation. It introduces the idea of self-love as a method of connecting us to the love of the universe... 'Meditation involves spending a little time sitting with oneself.     It’s an opportunity to sense living energy within us; to attune to the love of the universe. Planetary awareness might make it seem selfish to consider self-love, but we are the universe waking up to itself as individual, as well as collective, consciousness. What we do to one, we do to all, so self-love is a prerequisite to world love.'   Leanne Margaret © 2019 Dimension Zero Meditation You are medi...

Protection or Paranoia? - Feeling the Fear and Doing Things Anyway

Spirituality has always been a great comfort to me. There are many things we are subject to, over which we have no control. Like the weather, world affairs and other people. It can be frustrating when the world doesn't always reflect our own personal values. But life must go on. We need to find a way to live in a world that isn't always safe and perfect. Otherwise we would all find ourselves trapped in our homes, too afraid to open the door. Protection rituals have always given me comfort when - in spite of anxiety - I have had to go out into the world. Well-meaning people are quick to point out what can go wrong 'out there.' But few are willing to buy me a treadmill so I can run inside! I was out running when the winter sun broke through a week of grey and rain. But I barely noticed the warmth on my arms, already bare from the heat of running. I was busy fretting over the words of a couple of people who have warned me this week about our safety in the world. I...

What is Multidimensional Consciousness?

Light is perceived by the human eye as white, but we know that it can be split into a rainbow of colours when subjected to conditions like prisms and water droplets. Light then reveals itself as existing at various frequencies, red being the lowest frequency and violet the highest.  Likewise, human consciousness - although usually perceived as unified energy - can also be recognised as multi-layered energy of various frequencies. In Western culture we have been conditioned with the idea of a 'trinity' of forces, combining to create the human being. Modern culture labels the trinity as Mind, Body and Spirit. However, my experience of human consciousness is far more nuanced. Through my studies in meditation, mindfulness and psychic development, I have identified a multidimensional model of human consciousness that expands beyond the traditional trines of the past.  Eight of these layers of consciousness are explored in my first two books, The Love of the Universe and Mu...

Creating My Majickal Life With the Power of Witchcraft

When my daughter started school I decided to train in Small Business Management. I met a woman there who was loads of fun to sit with in class. I found out she had just completed a term of classes in Witchcraft. Curiosity gripped me, and as an already established reader of Tarot, it seemed a logical choice. I decided to add a few tools to my majickal toolkit and enrol. Both courses lasted a full year. With hindsight I can see a turning point in my life. A time where I began to exercise some authority over my own life while beginning to remove influences that undermined me. I came to realise that the practices known as Witchcraft, are really just ritualised tools for personal energy management, as well as a set of ethics to ensure they're used wisely. As Witches we practised for a year as a proper coven. We cast spells to celebrate, initiate, encourage, reveal and manifest. We learned the ethics around non-interference with others as we experimented with banishing and binding....

Shuffle Tarot Cards, Not Tarot Books | 5 Simple Steps to Reading the Major Arcana

The Sun from The Mythic Tarot Have you ever drawn a blank when it comes to reading the Major Arcana of the Tarot? Would you like to connect with their meaning in a way that doesn't rely on your memory? Forget Memory! This article outlines a step by step method to help you gain access to the wisdom of the Tarot, minus busting the mood by shuffling through books. If you're new to using Tarot, the Major Arcana are the cards that are usually marked 0 - 21. (Except the Mythic Tarot, pictured. You can recognise those by their lack of numbering.) The Major Arcana cards begin with The Fool and end with The World. They are distinct from the suit cards that are numbered Ace - Ten in each minor arcana set of Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords. Other variations include Staves, Rods, Knives, Chalices, Coins, etc. depending on which deck you choose. The Major Arcana represent overarching archetypal stories playing out in our lives. In other words, if the minor arcana is the stor...

Using New Moon Power to SuperCharge Your Goal Manifestation

Writers are great at procrastination. My favourite method is to jam my brain with multiple ideas, so that nothing happens and I open some chips. I've run out of chips! So here's my belated summer solstice blog post - joined with a little info on how to use the energy of the new moon in your sign this year. Grab a cuppa, it's basically 2 blog posts written together. Summer Solstice Summer Solstice with Leanne Margaret I like to celebrate the summer solstice, which falls on the 22nd December in the southern hemisphere. It corresponds with Thanksgiving and is a remnant of the pagan seasonal festival where the sun's peak was honoured each year, along with the summer harvest. This is the time of year when I like to look back and acknowledge my successes or metaphorical fruits for the year. Acknowledging our achievements helps to keep the positive energy and motivation flowing. New Moon Majick But now the solstice has passed and many of us are earnestly setting our ...

What Matters To Me

Hi Readers I've been busy creating some new pages on this blog site. As I was writing the 'who am I' page, I felt compelled to write about some of the principles underlying all of my work. Then it all got a bit long! So I decided to copy and paste the content into a blog post instead. Although I write and present on lots of topics, they are all influenced by my own personal values; that is – what matters to me. What Matters To Me Personal sovereignty:  Which means that I'm not here to be anyone's guru. YOU are the guru – for yourself only. Personal evolution:  We are all growing, learning and evolving in response to constantly changing challenges. This learning represents our continual evolution as individuals. Creative evolution:  This means we are not passive travellers through the travails of evolutionary progress. We are the creators of our lives. We are conscious participants, capable of change and self-determined growth. There are aspects of ...

Why Your Words Are Your Life

Book: ' The Love of the Universe, ' by Leanne Margaret

How Badly Does This World Need More Love Right Now?

We Can't Fix the Whole World - But We Can Evolve Ourselves... Book-The Love of the Universe What do I mean by Love? I don't mean the kind of love where someone covets a person, place or thing for their own possession. I'm referring to the life-affirming energy of the universe - available to all. The kind of love that can be bestowed upon a person, without owning or controlling the person. The kind of love that can expand beyond the personal to encompass our living planet. The kind of love that supports people and encourages life - while doing no harm. Connecting to this kind of love begins with the self... This kind of love can help you: Feel happier about getting up in the morning. Reduce and manage stress. Find your still centre. Make the most of what you have, even on your bad days. Feel more at ease with life's ups and downs. Bring more love into your life. Learn how to love without loving too much. Increase feelings of self-wo...

Are Psychics Psycho?

I was just watching a video on Facebook. I seriously can't remember the topic now. I turned it off pretty quickly, when, in the short video, the presenter took the time to mention that she doesn't believe in psychics. This type of snap judgement aggravates me because it communicates a deeply entrenched misunderstanding of what it actually means to be psychic.  That is one of the reasons I wrote my first book. I wanted to show that we all have the potential to operate at higher, more psychic levels of functioning. We are more than body and mind. We are sensitive emotional, electrical beings capable of refined perception, creativity and creative evolution.  The model I designed for my book is based on a combination of various schools of thought. It describes 8 different facets of human consciousness. This blog introduces the Sixth facet or dimension of human consciousness. There is nothing spooky or magical about it! Simply put, it is human imagination. During earlier stage...