
Showing posts from April, 2020

7 Dos and Don'ts When You're Stressing Out

Well Cabin Fever is setting in. Not because I'm bored or especially isolated like the elderly, but because life can contain 'issues,' and for the past couple of months several of my panic buttons have been simultaneously pressed. Some, such as job loss, relate to the Carona Virus and its effects, but others are family related. On that level - my isolation is real. So, for my benefit as much as yours, I thought it might be helpful to create a list of dos and don'ts to remember when the shit is at risk of hitting the fan. These tips can help to disperse or re-route intense emotional energy into productive, or at least not destructive, directions. 1. Don't  use social media or mobile phones in a panic. Your response might make perfect sense when you feel stressed, but later when your judgement returns you'll be scrambling to clean up your profile and will possibly be suffering from SMS-guilt. Remember - you can't delete a DM or SMS! Do keep a journal o...

Easy Easter Egg Majick Creativity Ritual

Happy Easter at home everyone. I hope you're enjoying eating everyone's easter eggs. I have been happily munching away on my daughter's mini chocolate bunnies. But I'm saving the bigger egg for a ritual. You might like to join me - it's really easy. You just need a chocolate easter egg, bunny or whatever - as long as it's hollow. Solid won't work for this particular ritual. If you read all the way to the end you'll find what I've called a 'power phrase.'  It's a short sentence for deeper contemplation. Set Your Intent First set your intent for the coming year. This is where you really need to focus on one thing. Of course you can invoke the idea of various goals, but this scatters your energy. If you focus on bringing in a single goal - one at a time - you can focus more energy on each one, as well as maintain previous goals.  Then when you have imagined what it is you want to achieve, try to reduce it to as few words as poss...

Trauma Rescue - What To Do When You're Freaking Out

  A little over a decade ago I experienced several years of persistent loss and trauma. I was forced to pick up my broken pieces and start all over again. Previously I had been an avid reader, practitioner and even teacher within the positive thinking movement, but it was useless when I found myself in fight/flight mode, my heart racing, my thinking panicked and irrational.  Gradually over years of refinement under continuing stressful conditions, I created a set of tools that addressed not only calming the inner creature in trauma, but also transitioned that frightened creature out of terror and into empowerment.  Personally I have gained more of a sense of control over my life and my personal energy. And we know particularly during this pandemic that control is really just an idea we hold onto so we don’t fall down. But we can move ourselves out of trauma and gain more control over our own consciousness.  So here’s a step-by-step list of how I pull myse...