Psychic Protection - How Often Should You Do It?

When I first learned about psychic protection life was really busy. It was also a stage of heavy Photo from research for me, so I moved onto the next project quickly, without anchoring what I had learned about protection into the daily rituals of my life. It took many years and many dramas to teach me to perform psychic protection regularly. It's ok to perform some majickal workings once, but not psychic protection. It takes at least thirty days to anchor a new habit into the brain. After that, provided your new behaviour isn't neglected totally - it's ok to skip a day or two. Make sure your ritual is EASY. Otherwise it will be too hard to repeat. Elaborate ceremonies are fine for performing once; But you need your daily rituals to take seconds. Protection of your space sends a message out to the universe that you have marked your territory. It's one of those rituals that needs to be performed regularly, like locking your doors. With repetition th...