Back to Dimension Zero - Calming the Inner-Creature

I didn't write a book about meditation because I was perfect at it. In fact most of the material I had been writing wasn't about meditation at all but memoir. However, the memoir material was still too emotionally charged for me to face in a rational way. My nervous system, ravaged by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ), was still wired to react to the slightest aggravation. So as I learned how to rebuild my nervous system from the ground up - using what I knew about human consciousness - the material to structure my first book, The Love of the Universe , emerged. After I finished writing it I realised that I hadn't included enough practical exercises to generate the shifts in consciousness that I was enjoying myself. Somehow I needed to create a more practical, user-friendly version. Fortunately I had written several guided meditations specifically designed to do the job, enough material to create a second book: Multidimensional Meditation. My intent was to sh...