What am I doing here, on this blog?
This week, I've been contemplating what I want to do with this blog. Moving house naturally invokes the process of life review. Mostly, I'm pleased with the writer's life I have built for myself; and will be carrying it forward into my new home. But it seems like good time to review this blog. The main energy I wish to invoke into my new life is that of ease and peace. So this blog needs to reflect that. It's a place where everything needs to come together into something cohesive. Something that makes sense. Something that reflects all that I do and plan to do in a way that makes it easy for people to find. My energy can be spread so thin sometimes that it disappears into a tendril without solidity. It means that I skim over the top of too many tasks, and discover things later than I could. Like the comments section on this blog. I knew it was there, but I had never incorporated its management into my regular work habits. Today, as I procrastinated starting this blog po...