Shuffle Tarot Cards, Not Tarot Books | 5 Simple Steps to Reading the Major Arcana

The Sun from The Mythic Tarot Have you ever drawn a blank when it comes to reading the Major Arcana of the Tarot? Would you like to connect with their meaning in a way that doesn't rely on your memory? Forget Memory! This article outlines a step by step method to help you gain access to the wisdom of the Tarot, minus busting the mood by shuffling through books. If you're new to using Tarot, the Major Arcana are the cards that are usually marked 0 - 21. (Except the Mythic Tarot, pictured. You can recognise those by their lack of numbering.) The Major Arcana cards begin with The Fool and end with The World. They are distinct from the suit cards that are numbered Ace - Ten in each minor arcana set of Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords. Other variations include Staves, Rods, Knives, Chalices, Coins, etc. depending on which deck you choose. The Major Arcana represent overarching archetypal stories playing out in our lives. In other words, if the minor arcana is the stor...