Setting Micro-goals, to Balance the Gigantic Goal of Book Writing

Anyone who has written a book knows, it can take years. The gratification is so delayed that sometimes the end goal seems too far away to possibly reach. During my early book writing years, I applied intense focus to get the work done. It worked for me, and I self-published two books in three years. But my third book has been more painstaking. I've been 'focussing' on it for almost five years. If I didn't have something else to do, I'd go mad. So three years ago, I set a smaller goal. I joined Writers Victoria , and decided I'd like to be published in their member magazine, The Victorian Writer. I didn't send a hundred submissions, as I didn't really have the time away from book writing to create new pieces of work. So I watched and waited for the right theme. Eventually a theme popped up that reflected a moment in my already written memoir draft. After five years of working on the memoir, it was time to start making the memoir work for me. It was only 1...