Sunshine Blessed the Melbourne Climate Emergency Snap Rally Today
All around the world today people rallied for Planet Earth by attending the Global Strike For Climate . I attended the Melbourne Climate Emergency Snap Rally , organised by the Extinction Rebellion Victoria ( XR ), to align with the global event. Melbourne protesters gathered at the steps of Parliament House for the march down Bourke Street. Facing public transport on a rainy, black and grey-sky day posed a flight risk! But I dug out my little-used Myki card and headed for the station. An hour later, as I approached the crowd of early arrivers, the entertainment made it seem as if John Lennon himself had risen from the dead, singing Beatle's classic, With a Little Help From My Friends . I wasn't born yet in the 60's - so I'm no expert - but isn't this protesting business a little retro? Someone summed it up perfectly on their banner: 'We shouldn't have to protest!' At first the crowd didn't seem to have much energy. They were mostly quiet, ex...