Psychic Development Initiation Poem - Immediate Awakening!
An excerpt from book The Love of the Universe . Read it slowly, feeling the meaning of each word with each of your senses. The power isn't in the words, but how you use them; let them settle—opening your mind towards extraordinary sensing. Remember to practice your new craft, so that it grows stronger. An eg: With eyes closed, practice reaching into a bag of M&Ms, pick one and guess what colour you might have in your hand. The results might surprise you, but if you are too sceptical, the activation of your left brain will distract from the right hemisphere. So please approach this exercise with an open, relaxed mind. Page 206: Psychic Development Contemplation Poem 'See with your mind Hear with your mind Feel and touch with mind. Feel with your hands See with your hands Hear and receive with hands. Hear with your ears Feel with your ears See and imagine with ears. See with your eyes hear with your eyes Feel and perceive with eyes. Listen with your...