Is it Halloween or Beltane?
Halloween seems huge this year. Shop fronts are darker than ever with ghoulish displays of the festival of the dead. It's like Goth Christmas. Originally Halloween, also known as Samhain (pronounced 'sow-hain'), was a seasonal festival taking place in autumn to mark preparations for the winter. It was also a time to reflect on the past year and learn from events that had taken place. This time of year was also dedicated to people who had passed on. Ancestors and other spirits were more available for communication due to the 'thinning of the veil' between worlds that occurs at this time. It is a good time for meditation, psychic and mediumship work. For Witches it is new year, where seeds or goals are dedicated toward the new season's harvest or plan. These days Halloween means providing sugary treats to kids dressed up as the spirits of the dead. This is a modern version of the old Dumb Supper where food was prepared for the dead as well as the living. For...