
Showing posts from October, 2018

Why Your Words Are Your Life

Book: ' The Love of the Universe, ' by Leanne Margaret

How Badly Does This World Need More Love Right Now?

We Can't Fix the Whole World - But We Can Evolve Ourselves... Book-The Love of the Universe What do I mean by Love? I don't mean the kind of love where someone covets a person, place or thing for their own possession. I'm referring to the life-affirming energy of the universe - available to all. The kind of love that can be bestowed upon a person, without owning or controlling the person. The kind of love that can expand beyond the personal to encompass our living planet. The kind of love that supports people and encourages life - while doing no harm. Connecting to this kind of love begins with the self... This kind of love can help you: Feel happier about getting up in the morning. Reduce and manage stress. Find your still centre. Make the most of what you have, even on your bad days. Feel more at ease with life's ups and downs. Bring more love into your life. Learn how to love without loving too much. Increase feelings of self-wo...

Are Psychics Psycho?

I was just watching a video on Facebook. I seriously can't remember the topic now. I turned it off pretty quickly, when, in the short video, the presenter took the time to mention that she doesn't believe in psychics. This type of snap judgement aggravates me because it communicates a deeply entrenched misunderstanding of what it actually means to be psychic.  That is one of the reasons I wrote my first book. I wanted to show that we all have the potential to operate at higher, more psychic levels of functioning. We are more than body and mind. We are sensitive emotional, electrical beings capable of refined perception, creativity and creative evolution.  The model I designed for my book is based on a combination of various schools of thought. It describes 8 different facets of human consciousness. This blog introduces the Sixth facet or dimension of human consciousness. There is nothing spooky or magical about it! Simply put, it is human imagination. During earlier stage...