
Showing posts with the label spirituality

Winter Blues Busters

Each year, the first blossoms of spring lull me into a false sense of relief. The sunny yellow wattle tree flowering by my driveway promises warmth. The flowers have dropped, now compost, heaped in piles in every corner, walked inside on our shoes. I remember the reality of September. It's still cold. I did well this year. I somehow maintained a daily walking habit through most of winter. I was convinced I had somehow recovered from my general wuzziness around anything below 22 degrees. But then I came down with a cold, not a bad one, just bad enough to stop me from getting outside for my walks. A couple weeks of this and my new-found winter resiliency vanished. I felt lazy and whiney. It was time to remember my magick. Not the spooky kind with cloaks and daggers - the practical kind that helps us get shit done - akin to positive thinking. There are lots of basic things we can do to alter our consciousness. Here are some of my favourites: Walking The top energy-affirming

Book Review: The Emerald Tablet, by Dennis William Hauck

The cover of the book drew my eye as I walked passed a tiny new age bookshop. I was writing my first book at the time and was enduring a 'book ban' to help me focus. But this book looked important. So I picked it up. A spaciousness entered my energy field like a fresh breeze and I knew I would buy the book: The Emerald Tablet, by Dennis William Hauck. I barely even read the back cover! I peeked at the first few pages and was gripped! But unfortunately, in 2012, I had to stop reading the book as soon as I started, lest I accidentally reproduce the author's ideas into my own. I was creating a mystically inspired work that I didn't want to reference heavily with others' ideas. So years passed. But the universe moves in serendipitous ways. As it turned out, 2018 was the perfect year to read The Emerald Tablet. This remarkable book offered me a mirror in which to reflect on all that had happened since I had purchased it. Transformative years where the innate powers o

How LOVE Changed My Life

It was 2010 and for a shit-storm of reasons, my former life had begun to dissolve. I violently grappled with the transition for the next four years. My values around home and family were constantly being challenged until I became willing to release them. Then in 2014 I let go of my house, condensing my life into an apartment. It was time for me to surrender ideas around my identity as wife, mother and domestic goddess. I needed to stop playing house and focus on my life purpose. Trying to merge the two wasn't working. This didn't happen quickly. I was experiencing the peak of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which made the process of change overwhelmingly difficult and dramatic. Transitional rage filled my days for some time as I realised the realities of apartment life. I felt assaulted by the noises and needs of the other occupants. It took three more years for me to learn how to manage the aggravations around me and channel my energy into my work. Eventually I created my f


Yesterday has burnt. This nest is made of fire. Transfigured, I rise. Words by Leanne Margaret © 2018 Image from Pixabay CC

The Calling

Do you hear the call of your soul? I don't know if everyone hears a calling or not? Do we all come purpose made and then forget as we squeeze in our alphabets and sums? Education assumes we start out as blank slates on which to etch out a proper person. But what if in etching out a proper person we are scrubbing away something vital, something soulful, something purpose-made? My call to writing came as soon as I began to read. I announced my plans to my mother and it was always assumed I would eventually be a writer. Most importantly, I believed it. No matter how many times the path veered off, I was always writing and I knew that no matter what, all paths would lead to me finally committing to being a focussed and productive, even published writer. As for the shape my writing would take, by 10 years old I was reading Raymond Moody's Life After Death  and experimenting with meditation. I found meditation to be innate and it helped me deal with some considerable life cha

Placebo? Or Self-Healed?

With trepidation I switched on TV program 'The Interview,' hosted by Andrew Denton. Although usually a fan of Andrew Denton, I feared a little for his guest: Charlie Goldsmith, healer. As I watched the healer being questioned in Denton's chair, I couldn't help recalling images of sacrificial lambs and public crucifixions. I squirmed towards the remote control repeatedly, ready to flee a 'roasting.' With cynicism I assumed the healer was being interviewed, not to assist in the wellbeing of the human race, but for the entertainment of people who believe only in what they can see. Fresh faced and golden, like his name, Charlie Goldsmith engaged the sceptical interviewer in an energy sensitivity test. It was a technique used by many teachers and students of psychic development, including myself. Of course Denton was unable to feel the energy that Goldsmith delivered to his outstretched hand. The healer was unsurprised, as negative biases toward all things spir

The Equinox Festivals

There are various ways to experience Easter. For some it's a holiday and time with friends and family. For some it's a deeply meaningful time for spiritual ceremony. But for everyone, this time of year is a seasonal festival. All over the world people are experiencing the change of the seasons. The in-between seasons, either from summer to winter, or from winter to summer (or their equatorial equivalent). My sauce & some random tomatoes Parallel with the traditions people follow, we are all subject to the changing moods of the seasons. Aside from winter sport enthusiasts, many people instinctively withdraw their energy in winter, I know I do. Like a bear in a cave, it's hard to get me out of the house during the colder months. Whether or not we are conscious of it, we are all affected by the relinquishing of autumn and the growth cycle of spring. Inexorably, nature flows through us, connecting us to people and planet. Our own personal energies expand and contra

Autumn News 2018

Hi All 😀 As we make our descent toward the colder seasons I'm aware that part of me is looking forward to more time indoors being creative. I usually dread the cold of winter, but this year life is looking brighter. Creatively, there's a lot to do and it's getting easier to do it.  I'm better able to leave the past behind me and get on with my days. During the summer just gone I even managed to balance a term of dance classes with my writing life. Bellydance Classes Thursday night dance class has been a personal tradition since my early dance class days. It's a life affirming practice that helps to undo the hours spent sitting at computer and notebook. Majickal Bellydance is more than exercise, it's like a moving meditation. The benefits are spiritual as well as physical and mental. I'll be teaching a new term of classes at Seville Community house from April 19. Details HERE . On the topic of life balance: Due to anxiety and PTSD, I have had to

Love Spells

This isn't the usual love spell. Like many majickal people, I have experienced the enduring ties that can be created when we perform unethical spells. That is - spells involving another person. You might be thinking, "what? No spells involving others? How can a love spell happen without others?" Consent It's all about consent. It's not appropriate to join with another person without their consent, even on spiritual planes. There has to be another way to do our love majick. The Source of Love Love majick begins with you, the source of love in your life. Personal love majick seeks to expand the love within you. In this way you can build your reserves of love and life-affirming energy; the kind of energy that is attractive to others. If you love you, someone else surely can. Feeling the Love Feeling the love means generating feelings of love from within. It means not only finding what you love about yourself, but also your life and the people, places a

Writing Raw - 7 Reasons to Journal

While writing this post I realised that every journal completed is a hand written book - old style. Suddenly my journalling feels more precious. There are loads of reasons to keep a journal. Here are a few of them. 1. Expression: The human desire toward self expression has led to constant evolution in media. The platforms available on which we can say our bit are endless. But I think journalling is still a valuable tool for self-expression. For some of us, journaling is still the best way to access deeper levels of consciousness. Technology can be a stimulating and distracting influence. The gently tactile pages of a journal can offer a private place to write raw. It's where our thoughts can evolve and become more clear, without an audience. 2. Articulation:  Self expression becomes easier when we have practised putting words to our thoughts, feelings and inspirations in a journal. Our emotional intelligence increases as we learn to express our inner life accurately to other

Psychic Protection - How Often Should You Do It?

When I first learned about psychic protection life was really busy. It was also a stage of heavy Photo from research for me, so I moved onto the next project quickly, without anchoring what I had learned about protection into the daily rituals of my life. It took many years and many dramas to teach me to perform psychic protection regularly. It's ok to perform some majickal workings once, but not psychic protection. It takes at least thirty days to anchor a new habit into the brain. After that, provided your new behaviour isn't neglected totally - it's ok to skip a day or two. Make sure your ritual is EASY. Otherwise it will be too hard to repeat. Elaborate ceremonies are fine for performing once; But you need your daily rituals to take seconds. Protection of your space sends a message out to the universe that you have marked your territory. It's one of those rituals that needs to be performed regularly, like locking your doors. With repetition th

Ego is Not a Dirty Word

"The Ego and Self-Actualisation The ego is a much-maligned aspect of the human psyche, yet as much a part of it as a flower is part of its originating tree. Ordinary consciousness often expresses itself at the ego level because the ego’s concerns are usually the most strident in any given moment. The ego might be likened to the child-self. This does not diminish its value, but rather enhances it, for as we show care and concern for the needs of the ego, we address the needs of our most basic instinctive self. In our modern, mechanical age of distraction and escape, it can be more difficult to maintain a conscious connection with our basic creature-selves. The soul-self is like the parent, aware of itself and its purpose in a greater world. The ego is more like the child-self, serving its own needs and quite rightly so. The push/pull dance of energy taking place between our ego desires and our soul-self-actualisation is ever present and energising. Yet at the most basic eart

Summer Solstice Poem

Another solar cycle shines its peak; The sun shines its brightest in the sky. The summer solstice build-up is released. Spring herbs and flowers start to go to seed. Storms have washed our world all bright. Another solar cycle shines its peak. Ripening strawberries scent the air so sweet. The plants peak tall with summer season’s might. The summer solstice build up is released. The butterflies as busy as the bees. We spray ourselves against mosquito bite. Another solar cycle shines its peak. Cicadas sing their love songs with their feet. Daylight savings gives us all more light. The summer solstice build up is released. Restless sultry nights in summer sheets. Christmas shopping late into the night. Another solar cycle shines its peak; The summer solstice build up is released. Wishing you all the light, love and abundance of this Summer Solstice. 🌞 Leanne Margare

Majickal Visionary Workings

Rituals can be elaborately planned and executed ceremonies as described in my Spellcrafting Template . A ritual can also be as simple as child's play. A vision board feels like a game or a fun piece of art, but is actually a powerful tool for manifesting your goals. What is a Vision Board? A vision board is a visual or pictorial representation of our wishes and goals. I first experienced the ritual at a weekend workshop where I was presenting Majickal Bellydance . We sat in a group at several tables mashed together, grabbing from a large pile of magazines at the centre. We used pictures from the magazines to create a collage of what we would like to bring into our lives. We then placed our board somewhere prominent until they manifested.  The Ritual Preparing the Space: Get some magazines in the genre of your intent, for example: travel magazines if you intend manifesting a holiday. Gather your chosen pictures from magazines, photos, pictures downloaded from the inte