
Showing posts with the label empowerment

My Second Book is Finally a Real Thing - Yes I've Done It Twice!

Finally, I've completed my second book. I'm not exactly sure why it took 20 months - considering its compact size - but it's a cute and tidy little summary of some big ideas. I'm delighted to have a proof copy in my hands. It's a real thing now! Come along to my Book Launch When I finished my first book, The Love of the Universe , I still had some material left over that I felt was important. After the experience of writing the first book, I was able to approach writing the second with more clarity and focus. It was easier to imagine the reader I was speaking to, which helped me to write words that could be understood in a relaxed way. I wanted the words to be simple enough to allow a restful, nurturing space that supported the topic. So, I wrote Multidimensional Meditation. The benefits of some kind of relaxation practice are becoming widely known and people are becoming more accepting of meditation. Some feel a spiritual calling or yearning they wish to ex...

Creating My Majickal Life With the Power of Witchcraft

When my daughter started school I decided to train in Small Business Management. I met a woman there who was loads of fun to sit with in class. I found out she had just completed a term of classes in Witchcraft. Curiosity gripped me, and as an already established reader of Tarot, it seemed a logical choice. I decided to add a few tools to my majickal toolkit and enrol. Both courses lasted a full year. With hindsight I can see a turning point in my life. A time where I began to exercise some authority over my own life while beginning to remove influences that undermined me. I came to realise that the practices known as Witchcraft, are really just ritualised tools for personal energy management, as well as a set of ethics to ensure they're used wisely. As Witches we practised for a year as a proper coven. We cast spells to celebrate, initiate, encourage, reveal and manifest. We learned the ethics around non-interference with others as we experimented with banishing and binding....

Shuffle Tarot Cards, Not Tarot Books | 5 Simple Steps to Reading the Major Arcana

The Sun from The Mythic Tarot Have you ever drawn a blank when it comes to reading the Major Arcana of the Tarot? Would you like to connect with their meaning in a way that doesn't rely on your memory? Forget Memory! This article outlines a step by step method to help you gain access to the wisdom of the Tarot, minus busting the mood by shuffling through books. If you're new to using Tarot, the Major Arcana are the cards that are usually marked 0 - 21. (Except the Mythic Tarot, pictured. You can recognise those by their lack of numbering.) The Major Arcana cards begin with The Fool and end with The World. They are distinct from the suit cards that are numbered Ace - Ten in each minor arcana set of Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords. Other variations include Staves, Rods, Knives, Chalices, Coins, etc. depending on which deck you choose. The Major Arcana represent overarching archetypal stories playing out in our lives. In other words, if the minor arcana is the stor...

Why it Helps to Release Perfectionism and Embrace Being: Good Enough.

Sharing The Love of the Universe In our fast paced world, people are becoming increasingly stressed, overwhelmed and multitasked. Attention can be pulled in so many directions that it's hard to be fully present for anything. Distraction is at an all time high. Many people are also suffering stress related issues such as insomnia, cravings, racing thoughts and even burnout. The most balanced person can become overstimulated at the hectic pace. How can we keep up with everything and stay sane? A long time ago, I learned two words with the power to ease the internal pressure. Two words that allowed me to let go of perfectionism and fear of failure. Two words to remind me that, 'to err is human.' Good Enough Those two words were: Good enough. At the time I was a new mum, trying to be perfect, and failing because babies are inherently imperfect and don't know when to sleep. But we made it. Her survival to adulthood and ability to happily lead her own life show...

Does the Rise of Individualism Kill Love?

Individualism is trending. Baby-boomers can often be heard commenting on how selfish and entitled young people have become. They are noticing a shift in consciousness that is different to the post-war era. A changing paradigm is emerging in the human zeitgeist, given a range of names with various connotations: The me generation The age of the individual The age of Aquarius A dimensional shift Whatever you call it, the rise of individualism is changing how people see themselves positioned in the world. People are realising that they are important. But does that make people 'self-important?' Does all this self-love make people less inclined toward loving action for the benefit of others? Are younger generations really becoming more selfish? Are People Really Becoming More Selfish? Young people are actually becoming more socially aware. This week an article was posted on social media about a young boy from Ohio: Mikah Frye, 9 years old, sold his Xbox to buy blankets...

If I Were My Birthmother.

(I know she'll never read this ) If I were my birthmother, I would be proud Of my eldest daughter. If I were my birthmother, I would be curious And get on Google. If I were my birthsisters, I would want to know about The one who got away. If I were my birthsisters, I would want to see what My other sister looks like. If I were my birthfamily, A pregnant daughter Wouldn’t need to stay with a bad man. I’m glad I’m not my birthmother, Trapped within a new empire- Still bound to her tribe like a scar. I’m glad I’m not my birthsisters, Being flung around her orbit Like psychotic juggernauts. I’m glad I’m not my birthfamily, Bound by culture and genes To replicate the stories. Cast outside the tribe of birthmother, birthsisters and birthfamily- I am free.  Leanne Margaret ©2018

What Matters To Me

Hi Readers I've been busy creating some new pages on this blog site. As I was writing the 'who am I' page, I felt compelled to write about some of the principles underlying all of my work. Then it all got a bit long! So I decided to copy and paste the content into a blog post instead. Although I write and present on lots of topics, they are all influenced by my own personal values; that is – what matters to me. What Matters To Me Personal sovereignty:  Which means that I'm not here to be anyone's guru. YOU are the guru – for yourself only. Personal evolution:  We are all growing, learning and evolving in response to constantly changing challenges. This learning represents our continual evolution as individuals. Creative evolution:  This means we are not passive travellers through the travails of evolutionary progress. We are the creators of our lives. We are conscious participants, capable of change and self-determined growth. There are aspects of ...

Do You Struggle With Intrusive Thoughts? Try These 3 Words...

The most constant reminder of PTSD for me, is intrusive thoughts. People who have them usually understand why someone would want to blow their head off - 'Fight Club' style. Discover more techniques here . But this is a blog dedicated to positivity and personal growth, so I want to share an effective trick I have been using to manage some persistent inner chatter: 'Be Here Now - Just me.' I find simple word statements to be a powerful form of personal energy management. These ones bring me back to wherever I am, so I can concentrate on what I'm doing. They also help me stop worrying about others. Now I have the words plastered to my kitchen cupboard to remind me. I know that many people suffer from PTSD and that stress and other illnesses might cause intrusive thoughts. Maybe these majick words can help anyone prone to distraction and disassociation. They really helped me get some good work done this week. Let me know in the comments if they help yo...

Why Your Words Are Your Life

Book: ' The Love of the Universe, ' by Leanne Margaret

How Badly Does This World Need More Love Right Now?

We Can't Fix the Whole World - But We Can Evolve Ourselves... Book-The Love of the Universe What do I mean by Love? I don't mean the kind of love where someone covets a person, place or thing for their own possession. I'm referring to the life-affirming energy of the universe - available to all. The kind of love that can be bestowed upon a person, without owning or controlling the person. The kind of love that can expand beyond the personal to encompass our living planet. The kind of love that supports people and encourages life - while doing no harm. Connecting to this kind of love begins with the self... This kind of love can help you: Feel happier about getting up in the morning. Reduce and manage stress. Find your still centre. Make the most of what you have, even on your bad days. Feel more at ease with life's ups and downs. Bring more love into your life. Learn how to love without loving too much. Increase feelings of self-wo...

Are Psychics Psycho?

I was just watching a video on Facebook. I seriously can't remember the topic now. I turned it off pretty quickly, when, in the short video, the presenter took the time to mention that she doesn't believe in psychics. This type of snap judgement aggravates me because it communicates a deeply entrenched misunderstanding of what it actually means to be psychic.  That is one of the reasons I wrote my first book. I wanted to show that we all have the potential to operate at higher, more psychic levels of functioning. We are more than body and mind. We are sensitive emotional, electrical beings capable of refined perception, creativity and creative evolution.  The model I designed for my book is based on a combination of various schools of thought. It describes 8 different facets of human consciousness. This blog introduces the Sixth facet or dimension of human consciousness. There is nothing spooky or magical about it! Simply put, it is human imagination. During earlier stage...

How LOVE Changed My Life

It was 2010 and for a shit-storm of reasons, my former life had begun to dissolve. I violently grappled with the transition for the next four years. My values around home and family were constantly being challenged until I became willing to release them. Then in 2014 I let go of my house, condensing my life into an apartment. It was time for me to surrender ideas around my identity as wife, mother and domestic goddess. I needed to stop playing house and focus on my life purpose. Trying to merge the two wasn't working. This didn't happen quickly. I was experiencing the peak of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which made the process of change overwhelmingly difficult and dramatic. Transitional rage filled my days for some time as I realised the realities of apartment life. I felt assaulted by the noises and needs of the other occupants. It took three more years for me to learn how to manage the aggravations around me and channel my energy into my work. Eventually I created my f...


Yesterday has burnt. This nest is made of fire. Transfigured, I rise. Words by Leanne Margaret © 2018 Image from Pixabay CC

The Calling

Do you hear the call of your soul? I don't know if everyone hears a calling or not? Do we all come purpose made and then forget as we squeeze in our alphabets and sums? Education assumes we start out as blank slates on which to etch out a proper person. But what if in etching out a proper person we are scrubbing away something vital, something soulful, something purpose-made? My call to writing came as soon as I began to read. I announced my plans to my mother and it was always assumed I would eventually be a writer. Most importantly, I believed it. No matter how many times the path veered off, I was always writing and I knew that no matter what, all paths would lead to me finally committing to being a focussed and productive, even published writer. As for the shape my writing would take, by 10 years old I was reading Raymond Moody's Life After Death  and experimenting with meditation. I found meditation to be innate and it helped me deal with some considerable life cha...

Autumn News 2018

Hi All 😀 As we make our descent toward the colder seasons I'm aware that part of me is looking forward to more time indoors being creative. I usually dread the cold of winter, but this year life is looking brighter. Creatively, there's a lot to do and it's getting easier to do it.  I'm better able to leave the past behind me and get on with my days. During the summer just gone I even managed to balance a term of dance classes with my writing life. Bellydance Classes Thursday night dance class has been a personal tradition since my early dance class days. It's a life affirming practice that helps to undo the hours spent sitting at computer and notebook. Majickal Bellydance is more than exercise, it's like a moving meditation. The benefits are spiritual as well as physical and mental. I'll be teaching a new term of classes at Seville Community house from April 19. Details HERE . On the topic of life balance: Due to anxiety and PTSD, I have had to...

Love Spells

This isn't the usual love spell. Like many majickal people, I have experienced the enduring ties that can be created when we perform unethical spells. That is - spells involving another person. You might be thinking, "what? No spells involving others? How can a love spell happen without others?" Consent It's all about consent. It's not appropriate to join with another person without their consent, even on spiritual planes. There has to be another way to do our love majick. The Source of Love Love majick begins with you, the source of love in your life. Personal love majick seeks to expand the love within you. In this way you can build your reserves of love and life-affirming energy; the kind of energy that is attractive to others. If you love you, someone else surely can. Feeling the Love Feeling the love means generating feelings of love from within. It means not only finding what you love about yourself, but also your life and the people, places a...