If I Were My Birthmother.

(I know she'll never read this )

If I were my birthmother,
I would be proud
Of my eldest daughter.

If I were my birthmother,
I would be curious
And get on Google.

If I were my birthsisters,
I would want to know about
The one who got away.

If I were my birthsisters,
I would want to see what
My other sister looks like.

If I were my birthfamily,
A pregnant daughter
Wouldn’t need to stay with a bad man.

I’m glad I’m not my birthmother,
Trapped within a new empire-
Still bound to her tribe like a scar.

I’m glad I’m not my birthsisters,
Being flung around her orbit
Like psychotic juggernauts.

I’m glad I’m not my birthfamily,
Bound by culture and genes
To replicate the stories.

Cast outside the tribe of birthmother,
birthsisters and birthfamily-
I am free. 

Leanne Margaret ©2018


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