Why Learn Tarot?

Quite simply, tarot is a mirror in which to view yourself objectively.

The elemental and archetypal symbols conveyed by the tarot, mirror different dimensions of our lives. They are also a teaching tool, to convey esoteric principles that have been known to mystical scholars for thousands of years. They mirror great cosmic cycles that govern life on Earth, as well as personal cycles of growth and renewal – enjoyed and endured by each of us. 

Old-time tarologists weren't spruiking personal growth. Their knowledge of the cycles of life was viewed in a more limited way – as fortune telling. But they still conveyed something mystical to ordinary minds. 

These days, a wide variety of people use tarot in a number of ways:

Reflecting on daily events

Drawing a card at the end of each day can help you to reflect on the day's events, as well as tackle any problem solving required. They are the mirror into which you can clearly see what is dominating your thoughts. Those thoughts will appear in the images on your card.

Clarifying future goals

When life gets busy, drawing a card can help you to focus your mind on a single goal for the day. It can also serve as a reminder of ongoing goals that need to be 'fed' regularly. And if you haven't quite worked out what your goals are yet, tarot can definitely help you to think of new possibilities. 

Reflecting on the past, and it how it lead to now

Tarot shows us cause and effect relationships, helping us to reflect on how what we have done, has led to what we are doing. 

Revealing strengths and opportunities

We can't always see ourselves clearly. Drawing cards related to strengths and weaknesses, can reveal new aspects of ourselves. The cards can activate potentials within the psyche, helping us to grow and evolve.

Revealing blockages to growth and renewal

When we can't 'see the wood for the trees,' tarot can show us the rocks we've placed upon our own paths; and offer solutions to help us move forward.

Activation of abilities within the self

Selecting tarot cards that reflect strengths and abilities you wish to invoke, can help you to do so.

Transitioning through cycles of change and renewal

The tarot reminds us that we are moved by great cosmic cycles, that aren't personal. We are subject to periods of growth, and periods of dissolution. The human ego doesn't always move harmoniously with these cycles. Tarot reminds us that we are part of something greater than ourselves. 

Inspiration for creative works

The archetypal energies, and artwork of tarot, can be muses to all sorts of artists. They might inspire a drawing or sculpture. They might become characters on the storyboard of a writer. A whole story can emerge from a single image on a single card.

Daily journal prompts

For something different in your daily journal practice, drawing a card can prompt your stream-of-consciousness writing.

Talismans, to carry around as a reminder 

It's easy to make a decision about something we want, and then forget to action it. Choosing a tarot card that reflects your intention – and placing it somewhere visible – can remind you to make the small daily decisions required to realise your goals. 

And yes, a little fortune telling!

Tarot encapsulates knowledge of great cosmic cycles within which we orbit – as inhabitants of Earth. Therefore, whatever comes, will go; and whatever goes, will come again. There is a predictability to this movement because it is circular – The Wheel of Fortune. It's nothing spooky, just an awareness that we are all subject to moon cycles, sun cycles, and great cosmic cycles. Everything runs its course. 

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