Appreciating Restful Moments

Life still feels fresh and new, as I settle into my new home. Physically, it was an agonising move. I'm still feeling the effects six weeks later. I've had to moderate my energy to a lethargic pace, which isn't easy when I'm excited about a new home and wanting to get everything unboxed and nailed up. 

Being high-strung is pretty normal for me, which is why I need dance in my life; but at its extreme, high-strung becomes tendonitis. When it gets bad enough, enough gentle stretching can be aggravating. So for the last week I've been sitting around with a heat pack trying to limit my steps. I went for my first walk in six days today, and my knee was dicey after fifteen minutes. So I'm back in my chair with a heat pack for the rest of the day. This might sound like a delicious Saturday afternoon, but for me it's not easy. 

My model of multidimensional consciousness shows us that when basic dimensions of consciousness like the physical and emotional dimensions are depleted, or overstimulated, other dimensions are effected. For me this means that on a physical level I was so exhausted that energy from every other dimension of my being was being drawn down to nourish my healing muscles and tendons. So my motivation for writing and admin work has been low and I've been working at a minimum. There're still classes to teach, so I've had to take rest really seriously so that I can show up for class and stay on my feet for an hour.

The receptive side of human nature can be undervalued in industrialised cultures. To rest appears lazy or unproductive. But we need to appreciate how much work it takes to repair and restore ourselves on the inside, so that we can function well on the outside. Some depressions and common ailments can be mitigated with regular preventative rest. It helps to remember that whatever goes up, must come down.

So as the stiffness starts to creep into my shoulder, I recognise that now is the right time to stop this blog post and return to my restoration practice. Even though I wrote about it in The Love of the Universe, sometimes I need to remind myself that I'm not a machine; and that the harder I work, the longer I need to rest. There's no harder work than moving house, especially for a book person and dancer. My books and costumes need a bedroom of their own, but it comes at a physical cost. So as lovely as it is to sit in my new study surrounded by the smell of books and views of the western sky, it's time to get horizontal on the lounge room floor. 

Appreciating restful moments. 

Leanne Margaret © 2022


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