
Sunshine Blessed the Melbourne Climate Emergency Snap Rally Today

All around the world today people rallied for Planet Earth by attending the Global Strike For Climate .  I attended the Melbourne Climate Emergency Snap Rally , organised by the Extinction Rebellion Victoria ( XR ), to align with the global event. Melbourne protesters gathered at the steps of Parliament House for the march down Bourke Street. Facing public transport on a rainy, black and grey-sky day posed a flight risk! But I dug out my little-used Myki card and headed for the station. An hour later, as I approached the crowd of early arrivers, the entertainment made it seem as if John Lennon himself had risen from the dead, singing Beatle's classic,  With a Little Help From My Friends . I wasn't born yet in the 60's - so I'm no expert - but isn't this protesting business a little retro? Someone summed it up perfectly on their banner: 'We shouldn't have to protest!' At first the crowd didn't seem to have much energy. They were mostly quiet, ex

My Second Book is Finally a Real Thing - Yes I've Done It Twice!

Finally, I've completed my second book. I'm not exactly sure why it took 20 months - considering its compact size - but it's a cute and tidy little summary of some big ideas. I'm delighted to have a proof copy in my hands. It's a real thing now! Come along to my Book Launch When I finished my first book, The Love of the Universe , I still had some material left over that I felt was important. After the experience of writing the first book, I was able to approach writing the second with more clarity and focus. It was easier to imagine the reader I was speaking to, which helped me to write words that could be understood in a relaxed way. I wanted the words to be simple enough to allow a restful, nurturing space that supported the topic. So, I wrote Multidimensional Meditation. The benefits of some kind of relaxation practice are becoming widely known and people are becoming more accepting of meditation. Some feel a spiritual calling or yearning they wish to ex

Creating My Majickal Life With the Power of Witchcraft

When my daughter started school I decided to train in Small Business Management. I met a woman there who was loads of fun to sit with in class. I found out she had just completed a term of classes in Witchcraft. Curiosity gripped me, and as an already established reader of Tarot, it seemed a logical choice. I decided to add a few tools to my majickal toolkit and enrol. Both courses lasted a full year. With hindsight I can see a turning point in my life. A time where I began to exercise some authority over my own life while beginning to remove influences that undermined me. I came to realise that the practices known as Witchcraft, are really just ritualised tools for personal energy management, as well as a set of ethics to ensure they're used wisely. As Witches we practised for a year as a proper coven. We cast spells to celebrate, initiate, encourage, reveal and manifest. We learned the ethics around non-interference with others as we experimented with banishing and binding.

Handwriting Practice as a Form of Mindfulness

Leanne Margaret © 2019

Have Supermarkets Diverted Their Plastic Bag Budgets into Plastic Toys?

One of the major supermarket chains recently released their latest collectible toys. This time the Real Treats apparent agenda is the promotion of healthy food choices. If the total at the cash register reaches $30, a toy is issued, shaped just like a teeny-tiny piece of healthy food. Only it isn't healthy food at all. It's more plastic waste. The same supermarket chain released another series of plastic toys at Christmas, following the success of another previous plastic collectible earlier in 2018. Yes that's three sets of collectible toys. Meanwhile, most customers are diligently adapting to the plastic bag ban and recycling their plastic packaging into supermarket provided bins. Am I the only person who can see something wrong with this picture? Can anyone else see the hypocrisy of banning a plastic product, only to give away more plastic products than ever? This supermarket might market the toys in terms of healthy food choices, but do they really care about

Shuffle Tarot Cards, Not Tarot Books | 5 Simple Steps to Reading the Major Arcana

The Sun from The Mythic Tarot Have you ever drawn a blank when it comes to reading the Major Arcana of the Tarot? Would you like to connect with their meaning in a way that doesn't rely on your memory? Forget Memory! This article outlines a step by step method to help you gain access to the wisdom of the Tarot, minus busting the mood by shuffling through books. If you're new to using Tarot, the Major Arcana are the cards that are usually marked 0 - 21. (Except the Mythic Tarot, pictured. You can recognise those by their lack of numbering.) The Major Arcana cards begin with The Fool and end with The World. They are distinct from the suit cards that are numbered Ace - Ten in each minor arcana set of Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords. Other variations include Staves, Rods, Knives, Chalices, Coins, etc. depending on which deck you choose. The Major Arcana represent overarching archetypal stories playing out in our lives. In other words, if the minor arcana is the stor

Why it Helps to Release Perfectionism and Embrace Being: Good Enough.

Sharing The Love of the Universe In our fast paced world, people are becoming increasingly stressed, overwhelmed and multitasked. Attention can be pulled in so many directions that it's hard to be fully present for anything. Distraction is at an all time high. Many people are also suffering stress related issues such as insomnia, cravings, racing thoughts and even burnout. The most balanced person can become overstimulated at the hectic pace. How can we keep up with everything and stay sane? A long time ago, I learned two words with the power to ease the internal pressure. Two words that allowed me to let go of perfectionism and fear of failure. Two words to remind me that, 'to err is human.' Good Enough Those two words were: Good enough. At the time I was a new mum, trying to be perfect, and failing because babies are inherently imperfect and don't know when to sleep. But we made it. Her survival to adulthood and ability to happily lead her own life show