
Showing posts with the label stress management

How LOVE Changed My Life

It was 2010 and for a shit-storm of reasons, my former life had begun to dissolve. I violently grappled with the transition for the next four years. My values around home and family were constantly being challenged until I became willing to release them. Then in 2014 I let go of my house, condensing my life into an apartment. It was time for me to surrender ideas around my identity as wife, mother and domestic goddess. I needed to stop playing house and focus on my life purpose. Trying to merge the two wasn't working. This didn't happen quickly. I was experiencing the peak of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which made the process of change overwhelmingly difficult and dramatic. Transitional rage filled my days for some time as I realised the realities of apartment life. I felt assaulted by the noises and needs of the other occupants. It took three more years for me to learn how to manage the aggravations around me and channel my energy into my work. Eventually I created my f

Healing Hands

Motivation was high this week. Pleased with my first author talk at Seville Community House  (with author Debra Marks), I Healing Hands returned my focus to the intimidating task of editing. I even managed a little writing, but mainly I'm writing choreographies for my Majickal Bellydance class. Busy days usually tire people out. But not me! The busier the day the more hyper I get and the harder it is to get to sleep. This week I have been employing breathing exercises, visualisation and calming techniques. I've learned how to settle my mind, but physically, I've been pretty wound up. Recalling what I wrote about Dimension One (the body) of human consciousness in my book , I used a self-soothing strategy I call the Healing Hand. It can be used anywhere, but I focussed on the period of time right before sleep when I was in bed. You don't have to be a mum, a reiki channel or a massage therapist to invoke the power of therapeutic touch. The Healing Hand technique

Autumn News 2018

Hi All 😀 As we make our descent toward the colder seasons I'm aware that part of me is looking forward to more time indoors being creative. I usually dread the cold of winter, but this year life is looking brighter. Creatively, there's a lot to do and it's getting easier to do it.  I'm better able to leave the past behind me and get on with my days. During the summer just gone I even managed to balance a term of dance classes with my writing life. Bellydance Classes Thursday night dance class has been a personal tradition since my early dance class days. It's a life affirming practice that helps to undo the hours spent sitting at computer and notebook. Majickal Bellydance is more than exercise, it's like a moving meditation. The benefits are spiritual as well as physical and mental. I'll be teaching a new term of classes at Seville Community house from April 19. Details HERE . On the topic of life balance: Due to anxiety and PTSD, I have had to

Writing Raw - 7 Reasons to Journal

While writing this post I realised that every journal completed is a hand written book - old style. Suddenly my journalling feels more precious. There are loads of reasons to keep a journal. Here are a few of them. 1. Expression: The human desire toward self expression has led to constant evolution in media. The platforms available on which we can say our bit are endless. But I think journalling is still a valuable tool for self-expression. For some of us, journaling is still the best way to access deeper levels of consciousness. Technology can be a stimulating and distracting influence. The gently tactile pages of a journal can offer a private place to write raw. It's where our thoughts can evolve and become more clear, without an audience. 2. Articulation:  Self expression becomes easier when we have practised putting words to our thoughts, feelings and inspirations in a journal. Our emotional intelligence increases as we learn to express our inner life accurately to other

When Energy Slumps!

I've been adapting to some changes in my life and had been holding my equilibrium well, until this week. It has been an eventful and challenging week. I started teaching a new term of bellydance classes feeling a little wired. The practice of dance helped me to ground some of the physical tension I had taken on. But I was heading for a bit of a descent. I didn't really plan on losing as much energy as I did through the past week. I have left myself with a deficit that requires a little healing. So now I'm in retreat mode - taking care of the physical, emotional and mental dimensions of my being. My book, The Love of the Universe describes Principle 2 - My energy rises and falls. Recalling the words helps me to understand why my energy is low today; Why I'm writing a personal reflection instead of the usual longer, planned out article complete with photo. I know my energy will return. It always does. It is the nature of energy to rise and fall in a continual danc

Introducing: The Love of the Universe

The moment I have been working toward for many years has finally arrived. At this early stage, ironically, I'm feeling a little lost for words. I'm sure the reality of my new situation will settle in gradually. Rather than the 'big bang' I had anticipated, my first book launch feels more like a rising hum.  The journey has just begun...  I wish to extend a  HUGE thank you to all of the readers of this blog. 💚   Your visits helped support my spirit through the long journey of writing a book. Leanne Margaret The Love of the Universe Initiating Loving Principles of Living Energy in a Creatively Evolving Universe. Are you experiencing the love of your life?  Today’s world seems to be falling out of love with itself. The warning signals of Mother Earth’s unease are hard to ignore. T he Love of the Universe  is a model of multi-dimensional human consciousness. It begins at the source – Dimension Zero, or womb of oceanic unconsciousness. We rise toward incre

Space Travel

Space travel has provided psychic as well as scientific benefits. Through the images communicated to us by space travellers and satellites, it is easier than ever to visualise the image of planet Earth from space. We have become conscious of our planet, thus reaching planetary consciousness . This Earth clip is brought to you by Seeing our home in such a way broadens our perspective to a more objective one. The subject, our conscious mind, and the object, planet Earth, can become both more distinct and more intimate. We can imagine ourselves in space, viewing the planet as a separate being. But our bodies remain on Earth, forever unified with it's physicality. For without a spaceship, only our minds can leave Earth. Planetary consciousness helps us become aware of the small nature of our planet in a big universe. When oriented physically on Earth we are bound by various physical and cultural boundaries that seem to separate us into different grou

Sleepy Time Spell

I'm in book writing mode at the moment. So my posts may be a little shorter than usual. My last blog post about spell crafting has proven popular. For me, it was the most empowering thing I learned in witchcraft class. I'm pleased to pass it on. I hope it is used to write spells creating more loving, empowered lives. This week I'm giving readers a little blessing I often use. It is designed to be a bed time prayer. It has a number of purposes: It affirms that the body is safe to go to sleep. It tells the brain to switch off and allow sleep. A blessing to offer protection through the night. A non-invasive way to quickly involve others in the blessing. A way to switch off from worrying about others. Bed Time Spell/Prayer Safely through the night I sleep Myself, my loved ones, Blessed Be. To further empower the spell, imagine yourself and your loved ones encased in an egg shaped orb of light. The visual image and the words together will supercharge

Protection on the Run: The White Circle

After realising with horror that I had run out of coffee, I had to make a trip to the shops on their busiest day, Saturday. As a sensitive type, I would usually avoid the Saturday crowd unless I was feeling particularly social. This day, I was not feeling social. But I managed to shower and pull on tracksuit pants (not my best day obviously) and drive myself to the local supermarket, which is also a small shopping centre. As soon as I ascended from the carpark on the escalator I was bombarded with Saturday crowd frenzy. People marching in all directions with bags, trolleys and prams. A piercing scream from a toddler contracted my muscles like an all-over kick. I needed to remedy the situation fast if I was going to get my coffee. The White Circle I quickly imagined a white circle surrounding my feet, made of light, like a halo on the ground. It travelled along with me as I walked. I imagined the white circle emitted the light upward in multiple columns of light, surrounding me.

Human Hibernation

I have been shivering through what is colder than a Melbourne Winter - A Yarra Valley Winter. Early morning temperatures often drop to freezing point. It seems severe this year. I have instinctively kept myself inside, starved for daylight, but unable to face the cold. Aside from the occasional sunny 'energy' day, I have surrendered to the retreating energy of winter, into human hibernation. We Are Not Machines Human beings are subject to various natural rhythms from nature outside, as well as our nature inside. Cycles of rest and renewal energise and deflate us in a self balancing dance of creation. This is why we won't work continuously like machines. We need rest, sleep, nutrition and self-reflection. To resist these natural functions invites imbalances that can lead to illness. Perfectionism Often I have planned out weeks of predicted perfect workflow. I would list activities in my diary, spaced out evenly across the week, complete with boxes to tick when com

Writers Block - UnBlocked


Shields Up!

Although I KNOW there is a permanently fixed speed detection camera on this local main street, I am driving 60kms per hour in a 50km zone. Flash! Since I am the driver whose car others are stuck behind on country roads, I don't think I deserve a fine. Despondent, I avoid the letterbox for two weeks and pray. Then a friend mentions a computer virus that has affected speed camera systems. Traffic camera violations have apparently been withdrawn. I have a chance. I carefully select a time when I'm standing at the letterbox with a friend who is leaving my house. After a chat and a laugh I feel strong enough to tackle the possibilities the letterbox might hold. I open the box to find a two week sized bunch of envelopes. I go through them one by one. Insurance (almost as bad), estate agents promotion, bank letter, etc, etc. No fine! Yippee! As my relief peaks and subsides, I recall the often repeated blessing I use for my car, 'Shields up.' I can't help but wonder h

Candle Meditation

Meditation is as easy as breathing. Many people feel they cannot meditate, but by keeping things really simple, I believe anyone can meditate. There are a huge range of meditation practises suitable for different purposes. If meditation has been difficult in the past it may mean that the style wasn't suitable for you. Meditation is suitable for anyone if the style is a good match. This article will introduce two styles. Although simple, they are both potent meditations, the first for practise in mindfulness and the second meditation to promote visionary ability. How Can Meditation Help? Rather than being a practise for monks and yogis of times gone by, meditation is more important than ever. Human consciousness is increasingly stressed and challenged by rapid change in the way we live our daily lives. In the past it took time to satisfy our curiosities as we reached into the world toward limited options. In the present we are bombarded by information every day from a variety o